Bella Luna

I found this manhole cover in the middle of the sidewalk on the corner of Smithfield and Fourth Street where the giant stone lions stood steadfast at the entrance of the old Dollar Savings Bank Building. Built in 1870, the building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

I never know how a manhole will look on canvas until I try it. This one was an unexpected surprise with it’s
wormy  texture made from a welding rod to create a tread like surface and one that was definitely not designed and pored in a foundry.

People do stop and watch but only a few are inquisitive enough to ask what I am up to. Two from my small audience began to quiz me and finally wanted to know if I made a living doing manhole art? Hummmm, not yet, I replied and continued to apply more color to my canvas. The girls moved on, leaving me to ponder the question. Someday, I thought, someday.

Art by Dwight Manhole Cover Lifts on Canvas Pittsburgh PA

Dollar-Bank Art by Dwight Manhole Cover Rubbings Pittsburgh PA

Bella Luna (beautiful moon) was inspired by my daughter Mollie and her escapades to Italy. Meanwhile keep looking down and if you spot a unique manhole cover be sure to let me know.

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